Sunday, December 18, 2011

January 9th

If you have a New Year's resolution in mind that involves health, start your year off with a 9-day cleanse along with a number of others. Personal coaching via email to keep you motivated! It's a new year, start off with a clean body. Ask me about it at if you are interested in more information.  :)jodi

Sunday, December 4, 2011


It has been a long time since I have been on here!!  I decided with Christmas coming up that I wanted to get into great shape so as to be able to enjoy the drinks and food at Christmas guilt free. Using Isagenix, I stuck to two shake, a meal, and snacks for three weeks along with one deep cleanse day a week. Running twice a week, yoga and cardio kickboxing once a week each has been my exercise routine. I am seeing some stomach shape that I have not seen since swimming varsity in university - and I feel great!! I would love for everyone to feel the energy and health that my family does from using Isagenix.