Sunday, May 27, 2012


How do you and your family stay active?

An active lifestyle can consist of so much: gardening, walking, rollerblading, kayaking, dancing, swimming, playing, building, cleaning, and the list can go on. One activity that helps keep me stay active is running. By no means am I an expert on running, it is just something I have always enjoyed on the side (my main activity when I was younger was competitive swimming). Over the past few years, I have run more: number of 5 km runs, a 10 km, and a few half-marathons with a third coming up in a few weeks.

Having two young daughters (ages 7 and 5) it is important to my husband and I that they see the importance of being active. We don't push it, but we do encourage it - that they get outside, play at the park, ride their bikes, fun kid stuff. They have indicated over the past year or so that they would like to run. Last year they both ran a 1 km and loved it. Today, our oldest 5 km at the Toronto Women's Run! The best part: my mom, daughter, and I ran it together. What a great experience.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Kids need healthy eating too! We all know they share food at school, sneak treats, buy sugar loaded drinks and snacks now and then, so its even more important to encourage they get what their body needs. Can kids use Isagenix? Certain products, yes!

Our own kids (ages 7 and 5) eat IsaLean Bars almost daily (one half eat), IsaLean Shakes (about a quarter of a shake), honey-almond FibreSnack Bars, and SlimCakes. They drink orange Energenix whenever they can.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Hot one out there today! I have a half marathon coming up in four weeks - that means a long run each Sunday. Today I ran 13.5 K (thank-you to those people who had on their sprinklers!). Before leaving for the run, I had a glass of water along with a Natural Accelerator . As soon as I returned home I had an ounce of Ionix Supreme .  Showered then had a vanilla IsaLean Shake along with my am Ageless Essentials with Product B .  Faster recovery means less injury, and that's what Isagenix does for my running regime.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We are fortunate with our kids that they both are not afraid to try new foods and for the most part, like everything. They love IsaLean Bars, SlimCakes, and many of the other products. They also love a large variety of healthy foods, especially when arranged in a fun way!

Local carrots

These were at Halloween and are apple slices with almond butter and almonds (monster mouths)

It's a ghost suntanning on the beach (banana, carob chips, apple slice, grape, graham crackers)

Homemade crust, basil and tomato from the garden, bit of goat cheese

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Free coaching via email and/or phone for anyone wanted to try a nutritional cleanse using an Isagenix system. Over four years ago, my husband and I each did a 30-day cleanse with the goal of losing some weight - he lost just over 20 lbs, and I lost 17 lbs. of fat (not water or muscle). It was more than weight loss that we experienced though, we had a very noticeable increase in energy, were feeling healthier than we had ever felt, and our skin looked better. For those reasons, we have continued with Isagenix since the first 30-day, and truly can not imagine ever stopping its use.

We even brought Isagenix with us to Jamaica!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


For many years my husband has wanted a motorcycle, MUCH to my dismay. He finally got one - Honda CBR 250 so he can commute to work without spending a ton of money on fuel (at least that was the reason he gave for finally purchasing!). I told him I wanted nothing to do with it, didn't want to hear about it, blah, blah, blah. Well, when I saw it in the garage.....figured I might as will learn to drive it too! We just took, and passed, the M1 exit course/test at Georgian College in Barrie, ON. What a fabulous group of instructors, such patience and expertise.

Thank goodness for Isagenix this weekend. Being a little nervous, I didn't want a heavy breakfast or lunch. IsaLean Shake for breakfast, IsaLean Bar (Chocolate Cream Crisp is my choice) for lunch, with an apple and some almond in between, and some IsaDelights (dark choclate for me) mid afternoon, allowed me to be alert and ready to go for both 8.5 hr sessions Saturday and Sunday. I love my Isagenix!  And now the bike too ;)

Listening intently to instructions

Remembering (finally) to turn and look where I want to go

Just having some fun with the gear - because gear is always fun